Peace on Earth: Cultivating Inner Calm During the Holidays and Beyond
What does peace on Earth really mean? Defined as tranquility, calm, or the absence of conflict, peace—and the lack thereof—can take on many forms. We’re taking a look at the role peace plays in our daily lives and then exploring how to live more at peace with ourselves and with others!
The Bene Holiday Survival Guide
The holiday season is upon us! Are you feeling joyful? Stressed? Excited? ‘Tis the season for being nonstop busy and sometimes we all need a little help staying grounded. Check out my tips for keeping the peace, plus some shoppable items that will have you feeling healthier and happier this holiday season!
Happy Holidays from Bene
A holiday message from Nina Westbrook and her candy cane crew!
Time To Check In
The holidays bring up a mix of emotions—joy, excitement, anxiety, and exhaustion to name a few. Many of us may be carrying a heavier-than-normal mental load as we process all of the beauty (and stress) that comes with the holiday season. Time for a mental health check-in!
7 Ways To Avoid Overscheduling This Holiday season
Holiday season is here and we’re looking forward to the festive gatherings and fun traditions it brings. But if glancing at your calendar makes you cringe, you may be overscheduled. The good news? This is entirely within your control to change! We’re sharing 7 strategies you can start implementing today to set yourself up for a calmer, more enjoyable holiday season!
Managing Holiday Stress During a Pandemic
The holidays are right around the corner. For some people, this is exciting news, while for others, the holidays can be downright stressful. What is it about this season that can create so much tension? Meghan Watson, a registered psychotherapist, has tips that can help.