In the heart of Beverly Hills, the 2nd Annual Wellness Brunch Fundraiser, hosted by Nina Westbrook and co-hosted by Ana Zamora, Founder of The Just Trust, unfolded as a space full of mindfulness, kindness, and purpose. The Beverly Hills Hotel was abuzz on March 21, 2024, with influential thought leaders and innovators who came together […]
As I sit down to reflect on this International Women's Day, I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the incredible women who have shaped my life and the world around me. Today is not just a celebration; it's a moment of introspection, a time to dive into what it truly means to be a woman and to embrace our power.
Women’s empowerment and family policy advocate, leading democratic political strategist, host of the popular She Pivots podcast, contributing editor to Marie Claire and mother of three (phew!) — we’re thrilled to welcome Emily Tisch Sussman to the Bene Blog.
A conversation with Michelle Saahene, co-founder of From Privilege to Progress, an organization dedicated to desegregating the public conversation around race and racism.