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5 Tips for Navigating Transition in Times of Uncertainty with Nina Westbrook


Allbright IG Live: Making it Work Round-Up

I had the opportunity to sit down for a virtual chat with Heather Bardocz, Director of Membership and Marketing at The Allbright West Hollywood, a business that supports women at all stages of their careers. Together we discussed how to navigate and adapt to transition in times of uncertainty, as part of their “Making it Work” series. In addition to their 10-week digital course and live event programming, Allbright offers inspiring spaces where a community of brilliant, like-minded women can connect, create, and collaborate.

We’re living in a very unique time and it’s important for us to acknowledge the challenges that exist so that we can navigate them to the best of our abilities. Tune in for the full conversation here and check out my key takeaways below!

Approach Life in Seasons

Anyone can tell you that balance is difficult to achieve and I’m constantly left wondering – what does this so-called balance look like anyway? A balanced life will look different for everyone, so I encourage myself and others to approach life in terms of seasons. Depending on the moment in time, certain things are going to take precedent. One season, it may be your business, while in another it’s your children or your spouse. Allowing ourselves to stop chasing balance and encouraging ourselves to look at the bigger picture instead can be really beneficial to our mental health and wellness.

Manage Expectations

If you’re anything like me, you’re a planner. Unfortunately, at this point in time, it’s incredibly difficult to plan very far in the future. On top of that, it’s very unlikely that things are going to go according to plan anyhow! It’s so important that we set realistic goals and that we allow ourselves the grace to grow, learn, and adapt. Layering on more pressure only creates anxiety; create short-term goals and relish in victories of every size!

Shift Your Focus

It can be scary when we feel like things are out of our control and, right now, there’s a lot going on in the world that may cause concern. A shift in focus allows us to dedicate our attention to the things we can control, a practice that can often lower anxiety.

The pandemic hit when I was preparing to launch Minibrook and, on top of everything else going on in the world, I faced a number of challenges including significant production and shipping delays. Instead of stressing over the things I had no power over, I shifted my attention to the things I could control – I spent more time preparing the website, dug into my research, and started planning out our second season!

Set Boundaries and Carve Out Personal Space

If you have the luxury of carving out some space in your home where you can get creative, do so. Establishing separate work and life zones can be very helpful in maintaining boundaries; just because you’re working from home, doesn’t mean you always have to be working. Establish time for everything you want to get done and take time to care for yourself so that you can effectively care for others.

Ask For Help

In moments of uncertainty, it’s important to lean on your support systems. Self-care is about more than bubble baths, it’s also about reaching out and accepting help from others. I wouldn’t be able to do everything I do without the support of the community around me. As women, sisters, wives, and moms, we wear so many hats and sometimes it feels like we need to do it all when we don’t. I encourage you not to swim against the waves, ride them. And ask the people around you for help when you need it. Step aside for yoga, a bath, to journal, and any other activity that re-energizes you.


Nina Westbrook

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