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The Bene Holiday Survival Guide


The holiday season is officially upon us and we hope last week’s note was the inspiration you needed to take a minute to check in with yourself. Are you feeling joyful? Stressed? Excited? ‘Tis the season for being nonstop busy and sometimes we all need a little help staying grounded. We’re here to help you do just that! Check out a few tips for keeping the peace, plus some shoppable items that will have you feeling healthier and happier this holiday season!

Master Mini-Meditations
During the hectic holiday season when your to-do’s stack up and your mind is racing, dig in and commit to your mindfulness practices. Keep things short and manageable. Each morning, ground before you go. Set your phone timer for 2 minutes, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Thoughts will intrude; release them. Try doing this every day for the rest of December and notice how your mindset shifts.

Plan Out Meals
You often can’t control what’s served at a company holiday party or a family gathering, but you can be sure that your home is stocked with fresh, nutritious food to fuel you and help you feel your best. Commit to planning 2-3 lunches and dinners for the week, shopping for the ingredients the weekend before, and pre-chopping fruits and veggies accordingly. If there’s any cooking you can do ahead of time to make meals faster, less stressful affairs, do it!

Get Solid Sleep
Over the next few weeks, chances are good that you’re going to have more evening commitments than usual. Knowing that your sleep quality and duration may suffer on certain nights, focus on sleep hygiene during your nights in. Choose a reasonable bedtime that will ensure you get 8-ish hours of sleep. Stay off of screens for an hour before your bedtime. Be disciplined about your sleep habits, and hopefully you’ll feel rested and ready to take on anything the seasons throws your way!

From self-care to staying comfortable as you party hop, I hope this survival guide makes the next few weeks a breeze!

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