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Bene Book Club: Cleo Wade’s May You Love and Be Loved

Hey there, Bene Community! I’ve got some exciting news to share with you all. I recently got a chance to chat with New York Times Best Selling Author Cleo Wade, on the Do Tell Relationship Podcast. Cleo and I discussed everything from parenting, family dynamics, and how important it is to connect, and love on […]

Parenting Power: 10 Practices to Build Your Patience as a Parent

Parenting is one of life’s greatest adventures, filled with joy, laughter, and, let’s be honest, its fair share of challenges. One of the most valuable qualities a parent can possess is patience. It’s the secret ingredient that can turn stressful moments into opportunities for growth and connection with our children. But let’s face it, building […]

Helping Teens Navigate Social Media Challenges Safely

person holding red and white hear button Parent’s Guide to Social Media Literacy Navigating the complexities of social media can be a daunting task for parents and guardians. With the vast amount of content accessible online, managing what your children are exposed too often seems like an uphill battle. The American Psychological Association (APA) underscores the importance of teens acquiring social media […]

Navigating Mom Guilt During the Holidays: A Journey to Self-Compassion

With the holiday season upon us, the joy and magic surrounding all of the festivities are often accompanied by another familiar feeling for many mothers – guilt. We understand the unique challenges that come with managing mom guilt, especially during this time of year and hope that this post makes you feel a little less […]

My Top 5 Tips For Traveling With Children

Traveling with kids can be bond-building experience for everyone, but it’s also challenging! Beyond delays, you’re forced to consider sleep schedules, picky eaters, hangry moods, short attention spans, meltdowns, and more! I’m sharing a few tips and tricks that have made traveling with my own kids smoother and more enjoyable throughout the years.

How to Set Boundaries as a Parent

Raising children is one of the most rewarding and challenging things people will do in their lifetime. Layered with marriage, careers, extended family relationships/backgrounds, friendships and everyday life…it becomes absolutely essential to have tools for helping kids become well-adjusted, self-aware and resilient. Setting healthy boundaries allows both parents and children to experience the most joy in life by reducing conflict.